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Tutoriales de tufting

Cómo crear alfombras a medida para su hogar

La velocidad a la que la mayoría de la gente ha llegado a la comprensión de cómo el tufting se puede hacer un hobby ha aumentado drásticamente este año. Si usted es alguien que ama pasatiempos como la impresión 3D, carpintería, bordado, modificar blasters Nerf, entonces tufting es un hobby que puedo introducir a usted.

I can boldly tell you that creating a custom tufted rug is easily one of the most fulfilling hobbies you can launch into, as it makes you explore your creativity and earn income for yourself.

The interesting thing about tufting is that it is very easy and quick to learn for anyone so far all the tools needed are available with a workable space within your home.

Imagínese cómo se sentirá cuando diseñe un producto que no sólo le interese a usted, sino que también sirva para decorar su casa y la de los demás.

Es muy importante tener todas las herramientas necesarias para empezar, ya que son muy asequibles si se consiguen en la tienda de tufting adecuada.

Si de verdad quieres lanzarte al mundo del tufting, hay algunas decisiones que tienes que tomar bien. En este completo artículo, voy a compartir en profundidad el conocimiento de cómo tomar su propia decisión correcta y también la artesanía de su alfombra copetudo para el proceso de acabado.

Creación con pistola de tufting

One of the things that should be considered before tufting is whether to use the manual or automatic tool for your tufting process. Because if you will be using the automatic, tools like tufting gun and kit de iniciación al tufting will be needed, but for the manual, you can just make use of a punch needle for your rug making.

Many beginner or Do it myself enthusiasts are always too impatient to implement the manual technique for making tufted rug, and this is because it is time consuming and not too effective for usage unlike the tufting gun which is faster and more effective to use.

Those who couldn’t afford the pistola de mechones mostly go for the manual method of making tufted rugs.

If you are considering the automatic method, it is advisable to get a tufting gun that can both cut piles and create a loop pile. This tufting gun machine can effectively create a loop pile during the rug tufting process.

The right decision that I will advise you to make is to get a tufting gun and starter kit from a reputable company like Urban Tufting, they are known for delivering high quality and affordable tufting machines for either professional tufter or a beginner who is just launching into the world of tufting.

There are varieties of guns with different functions. We have pistolas de tufting that can tuft up to 18 mm and there are also high piles that use pneumatic air and they have the capacity to tuft to a length of about 70 mm.

Construir el armazón

Since you now have the knowledge on the kind of tool that best fits for tufting de alfombras, it is now time to understand how to build the frame for your project.
In terms of woodworking, building a frame for your custom tufted rug is very easy so far you have a square.

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As tufted, you can cut the beams at a 45 degree angle or simply screw the pieces together as many tufted ones always do. It is advisable to always pre drill the holes during this process in order to avoid cracking.

What has been known to be workable and easy is by just screwing one beam to the other, and this is one of the instructions any beginner must pay critical attention to. Always make sure that the beams you are getting for your frame are straight, and the size you decide to measure will depend on where you are placing the artwork.

You can lean it on the wall of your interior home, but just make sure there is enough space for the needle to penetrate into, without pinching or disfiguring the wall.

Durante este proceso, también hay que tener muy en cuenta la altura de trabajo, ya que puede sujetar el bastidor a la mesa para trabajar de pie, sin agacharse demasiado. Esto tiene mucho que ver con su comodidad.

Many tuft makers build their frame based on the length of the rug that has been made, and another thing that you will have to put in mind is that the length of the inside you are able to afford. You can make the length of the inside of your frame 90 cm, as it will give you enough space to clamp the fabric in place without wasting too much material.

Una vez que hayas terminado de construir el bastidor, tienes que pensar en cómo quieres fijar la tela a él. La forma más eficaz de hacerlo es con una pistola de grapas. Puedes utilizar varillas de agarre para alfombras de doble uso que pueden reutilizarse en cualquier otro momento.

For your tufting yarn to move freely, you need to consider using a construction, with eye hook screws that will guide you and make you work easier and neater. During this process, ensure you keep your hilo para mechones from the tufting gun.

Tejido de soporte secundario

Immediately you are done with your tufting process, you will then have to fold your primary paño de mechón over to the back and hold it in place properly for better outcome, and then sew or glue in order for it to stay neat. You can also use a carpet edge binding tape to protect the edge well.

A secondary backing fabric can then be used to cover the tufted rug. You can make use of different secondary fabrics like a non slip fabric, anti slip mat or attach it with a spray adhesive in order for it to look neater and perfect for use.

Recogida del hilo

Existen varios tipos de hilo para tufting que pueden utilizarse para crear su alfombra personalizada, y todos tienen sus ventajas y desventajas. A continuación se enumeran los distintos tipos de hilo que puede elegir, junto con una descripción de lo que implica cada uno de ellos.

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Acrílico: El acrílico es una opción de hilo que puede seleccionar, ya que es muy resistente a la suciedad, la polilla y la decoloración. Algunos artesanos seleccionan el acrílico porque es más asequible y está disponible en una amplia gama de colores en comparación con otros tipos de hilo.

But the disadvantage in acrylic is that it has a tendency to fuzz and shed as it is very soft compared to other yarns, and this made it a kind of yarn that couldn’t hold its structure well. If you are not subjecting the tufted rug to too much wear, acrylic yarn will be the best choice for you.

De algodón: Cualquier alfombra hecha de algodón es siempre suave y cómoda para el usuario al caminar sobre ella, pero son muy sensibles y atractivas a las manchas.

Nylon: Una de las fibras más fuertes para cualquier producto, y esto lo hace duradero. Este tipo de hilo se elige siempre por su capacidad para resistir la decoloración y el calor. Algunos fabricantes de mechones utilizan este hilo porque es más fácil de mantener y limpiar que otros.

Wool: What makes wool the premium fiber is the ability to withstand crushing, and retard fire. As good as wool yarn is, what made many users avoid its usage is due to its cost. But you can still get this kind of yarn at an affordable price at some reputable tufting store like urban tufting companies. Any product made from this yarn can last for a very long period of time.

La elección depende principalmente del dinero de que disponga y del uso que quiera dar a la alfombra. A algunos fabricantes de tuft no les gusta el tacto de la alfombra de nylon, ya que es difícil de usar para ellos y la elección de color para este hilo es muy limitada. El color limitado priva a usuarios de hacer uso del tipo para un proyecto grande de la alfombra.

Si quieres hacer una alfombra con la técnica del tufting para alguien o piensas hacerla con el propósito de venderla, el hilo de lana puede ser una buena opción para ti.
Asegúrese también de tener suficiente hilo en la pistola cuando haga el mechón para obtener un mechón bueno y consistente.

Aplicación de cola

El pegamento es muy importante, ya que se utiliza principalmente para sujetar el hilo de tufting durante el proceso de tufting. Se aplica en la parte posterior de la alfombra personalizada que se ha copetudo.

Existen diferentes tipos de colas que han demostrado su eficacia, como el látex, el acetato de polivinilo y el polímero de acrilato.

También necesitarás otras cosas. Se trata de rotuladores permanentes, alicates, tijeras, maquinillas, espátulas, cola caliente y proyectos.

El proceso de preparación

Before starting the preparation, it is good to rewind the yarn you are using, and then add the backing fabric to your frame. Ensure you take time to stretch the cloth as tightly as possible without tearing it off.

And when picking the design you will use for your rug tufting process, ensure that the level of details is not too high. During this process, make your rugs extremely dense and this will make it not have issues with distorted designs.

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To be able to use your pistola de mechones well, start by threading your gun, and then use a bent wire to pull the tufting yarn through the hole in the needle.
Y para terminar tu error es muy fácil ya que puedes tapar el hilo hacia fuera, pero tienes que tener mucho cuidado para que no se te rompa la tela.

Para poder doblar el sobrante de la tela que estás utilizando hacia el revés, es necesario que cortes en el borde, salvo que no estés preparado para seguir la curva.

Preguntas más frecuentes (FAQ)

Q: Is regular yarn appropriate for my tufting project?

A: The tufting yarn that is sold in the tufting store is known for high quality and texture which can never be replaced with the use of regular yarn.

Q: Can someone new to tufting launch into it?

A: So far you have your pistola de mechones and tufting starter kit, you are good to go.

Q: How to make the right selection of tufting yarn?

A: In order to make the best selection, consider the texture and color of the tufting yarn, and ensure it complements the home decor or interior home you are using it for.

Q: With tufting technique, is intricate design possible?

A: You can implement different patterns and create an outstanding design with tufting technique.

Q: Is it compulsory for me to have a specific skill in order to create a custom tufted rug?

A: With diligent practice and putting attention to details, you can improve your tufting skills within a short time

Q: How can I ensure producing high quality custom tufted rugs?

A: By implementing non-slip rug pads and utilizing high quality backing materials for better performance.

Q: Can other projects be done with tufting apart from custom rugs?

A: Sure, you can make a pillow, wall hanger and fashionable accessory through tufting technique.


Many people venture into the art of tufting and it has become generally accepted by a high level of the world population. Imagine how well you will feel when you see your completed rug tufted project, after a few hours or days after the work has been put into it.

There are endless ways you can incorporate your tufted creations into your home decor, as tufted rugs can be used in different ways in things like flooring coverings to wall hanging as mentioned in this article.

Algunas personas hacen uso de tufting alfombra personalizada para crear cosas como ropa de invierno.

Rug tufting is a very fun and rewarding craft that can always bring your creative idea into reality. Whether you are a professional crafter, beginner, there are various tools available in our company to get started today. Start exploring your creativity today by launching into the world of tufting and become a professional in a very short time.

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